A Semester Abroad From Studies Abroad

A Semester Abroad From Studies Abroad

I have lived and studied abroad almost my entire life, yet going to Hong Kong was a new adventure for me.When I left London to start my exchange semester in Hong Kong I had no idea that it would so quickly become my favourite place in the world, nor that it would be...
Summer School – Making the Most of Your Studies

Summer School – Making the Most of Your Studies

This time, we bring you the story of Andreas Broby, Kristoffer Lundberg, and Andreas Markussen, who went to summer school at London School of Economics during their studies at CBS. They will share their thoughts on how you can make the most of your time abroad,...
Time for Decisions!

Time for Decisions!

Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, or…? Where do you want to go?As you already know, the deadline draws near. It’s decision time for the US and UK universities. The application process is over, and you may already be fortunate enough to have received an offer, or even...