NSAC Conference 2024

The NSAC Conference 2024 will take place on the 21st of September.

NSAC Conference 2024

The NSAC Conference 2024 will take place on the 21st of September.

NSAC Conference 2024

The NSAC Conference 2024 will take place on the 21st of September.

NSAC Conference 2024

The NSAC Conference 2024 will take place on the 21st of September.

21st of September 2024

The NSAC Conference 2024 will take place on the 21st of September! The venue for the conference this year will hosted at Klub in Copenhagen, Denmark. We are very excited to partner with this wonderful venue in central Copenhagen.

We have secured some of the world's top universities for the NSAC Conference 2024, so you can already start to get excited!


Universities at the NSAC Conference 24':

  • University of Cambridge
  • Bocconi University
  • University College London
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of British Columbia
  • Imperial College London
  • London School of Economics and Political Science
  • University of Hong Kong
  • University of St Gallen


... and many more to be announced, so stay tuned! 



Students must apply to join via our online application system. Upon admission, students are requested to pay a total of DKK 249 to attend the conference. This fee covers food and drinks throughout the day (although not dinner), the venue, an entire day of valuable information with many different experts, university representatives, and student experts attending. NSAC Members receive a DKK 50 discount.

Read more about the NSAC Membership and join today!

Helping students succeed since

Application Advice

Meet student experts that are currently studying abroad as well as motivational speakers who will inspire you and give you food for thought.

Meet the Universities

Meet admissions officers from some of the world’s best universities, and have a chance to ask them questions about how you can get the best chances of getting accepted onto their courses.

Meaningful Networking

Meet like-minded students who are about to or currently applying for full degrees abroad. Networking and building friendships is one of the most instrumental parts of attending the Conference, and you should definitely take advantage of this unique opportunity.


The day begins with registration followed by a networking-breakfast, after which the conference is commenced by a welcoming speech to kick off the day. The conference consists of various elements, each uniquely designed to make for a well-balanced, exciting and informational experience for our participants.

You’re in good company

At the Conference, you will meet many likeminded students, and possibly someone who is interested in studying at the same university or even the same degree as you. You are also met by the NSAC team which consists of many students that are already studying abroad as well as student experts who can answer any questions you may have about what it is like to study abroad. Finally, admissions officers from the world’s top universities attend the Conference, giving you a unique chance to ask them questions directly about your chances to be accepted!

Student Organisations

Ambitious Students

Prestigious Universities

University Presentations

First and foremost are the university presentations, where representatives from the world’s finest educational institutions address the two driving questions behind the NSAC Conference: “Why should you study abroad?” and “How do you study abroad?”


Furthermore, the conference includes unique panel discussions that make for a dynamic addition to the programme.

Past attending universities

Motivational Speakers

Every year we invite motivational speakers to share their personal stories in between the university presentations and panel debates. Past examples include how they funded their world-class education or how studying abroad changed and formed their lives.

Don’t hesitate reaching out to them!

August Solliv

Kristopher Torp Jensen

For student by students

The NSAC Conference is organised by a group of ambitious NSAC volunteers. Would you like to join the NSAC Team? Do not hesitate to apply!

What others say about us

Dr. Emily Tomlinson

Director of Admissions, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge

The NSAC Conference is unique in my experience: a multi-national conference for students, run by students, which answers real needs and real questions. It’s also a great way for universities to connect with highly motivated, highly intelligent young people who might otherwise ‘slip through the net’