Uniclub i samarbejde med NSAC

Vi er begejstrede for at meddele vores nye samarbejde med Nordic Study Abroad Community (NSAC). Dette partnerskab repræsenterer en spændende udvikling for os i vores mål om at gøre international uddannelse og udveksling (study abroad) mere tilgængelig for nordiske...
Beyond a Critique of Advent

Beyond a Critique of Advent

It seems that there is little daring in a pure critique of Advent. There are many well-deserved and necessary sieges that have yet to laid, and it would be deceptive to not mention the poverty of institutional lucidity in much of the old world when the Advent...
2nd Sunday in Advent: December Delight and Nöel à Reims

2nd Sunday in Advent: December Delight and Nöel à Reims

Surrounded by les lumières de Noël and fuelled by vin chaud, croissants, and coffee, December in Reims is magnifique. Or at least it has been the times I have dared to peek out into the real world, after being locked away in the library for 8+ hours. As I am finishing...
1st Sunday in Advent: December in Dublin

1st Sunday in Advent: December in Dublin

The Christmas spirit is finally reaching Dublin, with lights going up around the city center the buskers are exchanging their familiar tunes for careful Christmas songs. Luckily they seem to have collectively decided that Last Christmas is still too soon. One building...