The NSAC Blog

Uniclub i samarbejde med NSAC

Vi er begejstrede for at meddele vores nye samarbejde med Nordic Study Abroad Community (NSAC). Dette partnerskab repræsenterer en spændende udvikling for os i vores mål om at gøre international uddannelse og udveksling (study abroad) mere tilgængelig for nordiske...

Beyond a Critique of Advent

It seems that there is little daring in a pure critique of Advent. There are many well-deserved and necessary sieges that have yet to laid, and it would be deceptive to not mention the poverty of institutional lucidity in much of the old world when the Advent...

3rd Sunday in Advent: My Christmas in Cambridge (A postgrad perspective)

” I’d be very happy to [...] share what I know about this vaguely odd, but quite pleasant, place.”These words were written to me in an email response to a request to meet with a fellow at my college at the beginning of this academic year (23/24). That college is...

Uniclub i samarbejde med NSAC

Vi er begejstrede for at meddele vores nye samarbejde med Nordic Study Abroad Community (NSAC). Dette partnerskab repræsenterer en spændende udvikling for os i vores mål om at gøre international uddannelse og udveksling (study abroad) mere tilgængelig for nordiske...

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Beyond a Critique of Advent

Beyond a Critique of Advent

It seems that there is little daring in a pure critique of Advent. There are many well-deserved and necessary sieges that have yet to laid, and it would be deceptive to not mention the poverty of institutional lucidity in much of the old world when the Advent...

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2nd Sunday in Advent: December Delight and Nöel à Reims

2nd Sunday in Advent: December Delight and Nöel à Reims

Surrounded by les lumières de Noël and fuelled by vin chaud, croissants, and coffee, December in Reims is magnifique. Or at least it has been the times I have dared to peek out into the real world, after being locked away in the library for 8+ hours. As I am finishing...

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1st Sunday in Advent: December in Dublin

1st Sunday in Advent: December in Dublin

The Christmas spirit is finally reaching Dublin, with lights going up around the city center the buskers are exchanging their familiar tunes for careful Christmas songs. Luckily they seem to have collectively decided that Last Christmas is still too soon. One building...

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Thoughts from a year at University of Oxford

Thoughts from a year at University of Oxford

On the 11th of March 2020, I received an offer from the University of Oxford to study a Master's in Science in law and Finance. I was beyond excited, happy, and proud but also a bit scared. Would I be able to keep up with such bright and intelligent students? How...

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Studying Classics in the UK: From Gymnasium to PhD

Studying Classics in the UK: From Gymnasium to PhD

The story of why I decided to study classics begins with a spontaneous decision. The year was 2011, and I had to indicate which A-levels I wanted to take at the gymnasium I attended in Denmark. I remember having a feeling that it was somehow set in stone that I was to...

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When studying in New York takes an unexpected turn

When studying in New York takes an unexpected turn

As August and graduation approach, I look back on my bachelor's at Berkeley College in New York City. What should have been two years of education, challenges, fun, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences, quickly became long hours of online school in Denmark, living with...

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Next Stop: Harvard College

Next Stop: Harvard College

One of the questions I get asked a lot is how I got into Harvard. Unlike math, college admission isn’t an exact science. While that can seem frustrating, it’s also what makes it so exciting – and obtainable! When I applied back in 2019, I was certain I wouldn’t get in...

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What I have learned because of my exchange

What I have learned because of my exchange

I never thought that I would think of another place as my home the same way I think about Stockholm being my home. But after spending 10 months in Las Vegas and getting to know the people, the culture, the school system, and the area, I feel just as at home in Nevada...

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Tips and tricks on how to make the most out of your day!

Tips and tricks on how to make the most out of your day!

Sitting in lock-downed Brussels, Natasha, NSAC’s President, is experiencing working from home at its finest and has shared her tips and tricks with us on how to make the most out of your day in times of a global health crisis. Wake up earlyWhen the lock down started,...

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The five o’clock beers

The five o’clock beers

For as long as I can remember, I have been dreaming about living abroad. However, it was not before I moved to London this summer, that I got the chance to try it out myself. The reason why I moved to London was that I had got an internship at Nova Founders Capital....

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An unexpected exchange experience

An unexpected exchange experience

Back in November 2018, I applied for exchange as part of my bachelor degree at CBS. I longed for new people, new cultures, and new adventures. Little did I know I was signing up for all of that to a much greater extent than I would have ever imagined. I was accepted...

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The importance of a good study group

The importance of a good study group

University subjects can be daunting and scary, however, throughout my experience I have found out that sharing this feeling with a good study group can significantly improve the experience out of those subjects.What do I mean by a study group and why is it worth...

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Going abroad involves planning ahead.During the planning, you should expect to experience ups.. and downs.There may be a long period from making the decision to pursue going abroad and the actual application deadlines.This might divert and discourage you from making...

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How to choose a master’s degree that fits you

How to choose a master’s degree that fits you

Around one and a half years ago I stared at my computer. I wanted to do a master’s degree abroad, but where? I started narrowing down my scope, and I quickly realized that, in contrast to some universities in Denmark, universities in the UK offer a plethora of...

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The College on the Hill – My Ivy League Experience

The College on the Hill – My Ivy League Experience

With a mix of excitement and a big portion of jetlag, I gaze out the window and watch as the snow-covered rolling hills fly past my friend’s car. I zone out to the sound of the Lumineers, and I can’t help but think this is the start of a new adventure. We’re on...

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My Experience Abroad: Learning Something Unexpected

My Experience Abroad: Learning Something Unexpected

When I graduated from high school, I moved to London to do a one-year internship at a law firm as part of the Danish PIU-program. Much of what I ended up taking with me were things I had not expected.When I graduated from high school in Odense in 2016, I had spent my...

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Three tips for not getting an internship at Stanford

Three tips for not getting an internship at Stanford

Have you ever been enticed by the idea of spending a summer at a well-renowned university, getting familiar with life as a researcher and experiencing campus life abroad? Then this is not the guide for you. If not, I suggest you continue reading, because I have 20/20...

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Taking the leap

Taking the leap

For the past two years, I have been living and studying in Milan, probably mostly famous for being the fashion capital of Italy but I can assure you it has a lot more to offer than that. I have grown up in Denmark, went to kindergarten and school there and I have...

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Adventures in California

Adventures in California

Where should I go on my exchange?Going to California was always my dream, though I knew little about the place at first, it was “the American dream” that pulled me towards Berkeley - a university known for its excellence in research and high academic standards. This...

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Learning from other cultures

Learning from other cultures

When I was ten I moved to Nottingham in the UK. I was not fond of having to leave my family and friends behind, to move to a country where I could not speak the language. Nevertheless, I am tremendously thankful for the tools that this four-year experience has given...

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