This time, we bring you the story of Andreas Broby, Kristoffer Lundberg, and Andreas Markussen, who went to summer school at London School of Economics during their studies at CBS. They will share their thoughts on how you can make the most of your time abroad, whether that be a summer, one year or a full degree.
Where are you from?
Kristoffer: I’m from Farum [north of Copenhagen], but I spent 10 years growing up in Sweden.
Andreas Broby: I was raised in Norway but lived in Aalborg before moving to Copenhagen.
Andreas Markussen: I am from Copenhagen, but I have also lived in Stockholm.
Where and what are you studying?
- All: Currently, we’re studying a BSc in economics and business administration at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), all of us finishing it in less than 2 years.
When did you first think of studying abroad?
Kristoffer: It has been on my mind for the most of my life. Growing up in Sweden was a contributing factor where I really enjoyed learning a second language and acquiring a new perspective.
Andreas Broby: I don’t think I ever really had a plan to study abroad since I’m completing my bachelor’s degree in 2 years. I like experiencing new things and seizing different opportunities so when I discovered I could spend a summer studying at one of Europe’s best universities, it was a no-brainer.
Andreas Markussen: I had been on exchange once before, so from the moment the idea of studying abroad arose, till I executed it, perhaps a week passed. It just happened like that. Studying at the same institution for a prolonged period gets boring, and a change of scenery was long overdue in my case.
Some of you took a gap year before uni. What did you do during your gap year?
Kristoffer: I worked full-time at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and climbed Mont Blanc.
Andreas Broby: I founded a company and was involved in politics.
Andreas Markussen: I didn’t take a gap year, as I felt it would’ve slowed me down. If need be, my advice is to take one after your stint in university when your salary is higher.
Now that you’re all taking your bachelor at home in Denmark, can us you tell how you will add and have added the abroad experience to your studies?
Kristoffer: During the summer, I studied at the London School of Economics Summer School with Andreas & Andreas, and my plan is to complete a master degree abroad, as I really enjoyed being abroad.
Andreas Broby: Living in London for 2 months surrounded by people from every continent was like a crash-course in effective networking. Americans can teach us a lot about being open to meeting new people. I’ve generally become more open to just reaching out to people I think are interesting and people I want to meet after attending LSE. Having passed an LSE exam where you’re asked to immunize a portfolio with regards to interest rates with nothing but pen, paper and a simple calculator also makes a lot of the CBS exams seem easy.
Andreas Markussen: Studying abroad gives a unique insight into a different student culture. For me, it confirmed that CBS is one of the best schools. Furthermore, studying abroad is the best way to confirm and debunk stereotypes about foreign nationals, and to get an insight into everyday life in their countries.
What have you enjoyed the most so far regarding your time abroad?
Kristoffer: The academic level of London School of Economics was by far the most rewarding experience. I completed three subjects (22.5 ECTS) in Finance and all courses were challenging and rewarding. Courses cover almost as much as the syllabus of an ordinary LSE course and are taught by LSE’s own faculty members and Ph.D. students as teaching assistants. The classes consist of students from all around the world who all share a common interest in the course subject. This provided several interesting perspectives on the topics discussed in both classes and lectures.
Andreas Broby: Socializing with people from all kinds of places all day, every day, and being invited to a sky bar with investment bankers. The subjects were really interesting, too.
Andreas Markussen: The intensity. It is very difficult to study intensively and party for several hours a day for two months. Getting a fresh start was also rejuvenating, as I found myself alone in a class with people from every continent on the planet, each with their own quirk. In short; every day was a new situation, with new solutions.
What tips do you guys have for people who want to go abroad, or who are perhaps studying at home, but want to get more of the abroad experience?
Kristoffer: Try to study abroad at a summer school and see if it is something for you. Committing to study 3-4 years can be a big step to take without having any idea if it will be enjoyable. The summer school can prepare you and help you make a better choice before going abroad.
Andreas Broby : Just do it. While abroad, go out of your way to meet and befriend people. The section on your CV saying you studied abroad isn’t the real reward. The real reward is all the people you’re going to meet and the things you’ll learn from them.
Andreas Markussen: Study abroad. It allows you to see the world from an angle you would never have imagined.
Author- Kristian Modvig